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Screenfeed University: Connect Apps for Education Venues

Written by:
Lorna Campbell
Business Development Director

Welcome to Screenfeed University! You might think this an introduction to support articles or tutorials, but it's actually examples of how to use Connect in a university or school venue.

There are plenty of templates applicable to an education setting, so get ready to be schooled by our very own (and not very real) Screenfeed University. 🤓

Not in education? Keep your eyes on the Screenfeed blog: your vertical might be next. This will be a series to help everyone find inspiration, no matter the venue.

At Screenfeed University, we want students informed and engaged with the events going on around campus. We spoke with Coach Content and he shared his upcoming schedule for exciting classes on the latest digital signage best practices. Seats tend to go fast for this class, so don't miss sign-ups!

A calendar app can be displayed throughout campus so students stay in-the-know, and can be updated with just a couple of clicks if event details change. For our current University users, the calendar app is one of the most popular choices.

We recommend the Digital Signage Camp, but all classes will be a blast.

We have a pretty large campus at Screenfeed University with many buildings for our bright minds. To help students and visitors find their way, we set up a directory app that makes navigation a breeze.

There is always something happening at the Feeds Fieldhouse, or a delicious bite awaits at the Display Cafe.

For our freshmen staying in the campus dorms, it's important to feel comfortable and welcomed from the get-go. The simple message app is a great tool for Resident Advisors to post encouraging messages or advice, or even their contact info so students can reach out directly when needed.

If they want, each RA can personalize their welcome message via Connect!

The Feeds Fieldhouse is a popular place for people to stretch their legs, and is often rented out for evening practices or groups looking for a little leisure (Kan Jam is especially popular). To make sure there isn't any overlap, the room schedule app displays 24/7. As rooms are rented out, the room schedule updates automatically so groups always know when free time is available.

We heard Kayak Conditioning isn't for the faint of heart.

The last app we use for Screenfeed University is a menu board app to show the delicious eats at the campus cafeteria. Menus are easy to update online as new dishes are created, with syncing options for fast and easy updates.

The Screenfeed faculty helped us pick this delicious menu! 

Now that you're feeling more educated on apps that can be used in a school venue, you might be ready to create one yourself! Connect is free until October 2022, all you need is a Screenfeed account to get started. Check out our Top 5 most popular apps for additional inspo.

Happy creating, and don't forget to look out for the next venue post - it might be your very own. If you send us a message and mention your venue, we'd be happy to feature it in a future segment!