Content Strategy

Enhance Your Playlist With The Crypto Captivation

Written by:
Lorna Campbell
Business Development Director

If something had the ability to influence your financial future, you’d probably pay attention wouldn’t you? Of course you would! This is the cliff of potential that cryptocurrency has been teetering on over the last decade. Over 4,000 digital coins have been introduced in the market since 2009, exploding in relevance after Bitcoin was created. Right now almost everyone is paying attention, which creates new opportunities to use that current attention to the fullest in digital signage.

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and other popular cryptocurrencies

Although asking the Average Joe what cryptocurrency is might not result in a perfectly accurate response, almost everyone has at least heard of it by now. A slew of results come up on search engines answering questions related to general knowledge, how to invest, what to follow, and what’s trending in the world of cryptocurrency. It's safe to say that people are anxious to know more, which is attracting quite an audience for the coins.

More and more people are also attempting (and, in some cases, wildly succeeding) to go digital in their investments. The intense ups and downs in coin value garners attention from even those who haven’t invested to watch how crypto will influence investing habits, financial markets and more. As they invest, people closely follow investment trends on phones and computers to keep up with the rapid updates, especially when the next big coin might be right around the corner. Attention will naturally shift to anywhere else displaying crypto trends, such as a digital signage screen.

Trends update constantly, and everyone is eager to follow them

Digital coin values also update every 30 seconds and regardless of if they’ve invested or not, people are eager to know the latest. Because of this hunger for knowledge, digital currency becomes a potent combination of fresh and relevant content to add to a digital signage playlist. 

A common frustration faced in scheduling digital signage content is keeping content fresh in a way that continues to attract attention even as people revisit screens over and over. Leaning on cryptocurrency to freshen up some of the longer running messages will help re-engage people that frequent locations like malls and, transit stations during various times of the day or week. Crypto fits into almost any other venue with its relevance to a wide range of audiences.

Cryptocurrency as digital signage content is available as part of in the Financial Graphics product from Screenfeed. It features 1,000 different coins to watch on your screens, or offers an individual view for single coin updates. Popular choices include Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, XRP, VeChain, Cardano, Chainlink, Uniswap and so many more. Financial Graphics also offers updates on NASDAQ, NYSE and S&P 500, currency, agriculture and metals trends so audiences have updates on any financial information they might desire. 

The introduction of virtual currency has already altered the way people think about money and investments. In the future, crypto could continue to make waves in the economy, further shift how people invest, change how people plan for retirement and impact other important factors in people’s lives. Right now, it’s safe to say that everyone is watching to see what will unfold. As long as it lasts, make sure to take advantage of these trends in your digital signage playlist.